Reclaiming Our Neighborhoods (RON)
Reclaiming Our Neighborhoods (RON) is a highly effective coalition of 11 neighborhood partner organizations representing 15 neighborhoods, working alongside City of Milwaukee partners and housing agencies with the mission to improve the quality of housing in Milwaukee through data-informed, resident-engaged strategies and actions.
Data You Can Use proudly serves as RON’s data partner for the housing surveys.
2022 Milwaukee Housing Conditions Report
The data presented in the reports below represents a summary of exterior housing condition datasets across the entire coalition – the first time that a collective housing condition report has been published by RON in the coalition’s history.
For questions about the RON Coalition, contact a member of the RON Steering Committee or Dawn Hutchison-Weiss, Consultant to the Steering Committee : [email protected]
For questions about the Housing Conditions Report, contact Amy Rohan: [email protected]